/BCO-DMO/Taxon-Specific_PCN_Production/tricho ---- Level 0

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#  Remineralization experiments - Tricho:
#    Time-series of nutrient measurements following the addition of 
#    Trichodesmium derived POM to seawater.
#  PI: Angelicque White (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
#  Co-PI: Adina Paytan (UC Santa Cruz, IMS)
#  Contact: Katie Watkins-Brandt (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
#  Version: 24 April 2015
replicate  taxon            date_addition  time_local_addition  time_gmt_addition  soluble_P  soluble_N  
A          Trichodesmium    03/15/2011     23:23:00             09:23:00           0.526      0.137      
B          Trichodesmium    03/16/2011     00:25:00             10:25:00           0.613      0.055